Who are we
At international level the mission of SENSOR: Nanotechnologies for Sensing and Advanced Applications is to design and develop materials and processes to realize devices and systems for functional applications.
In the field of bio-chemical sensing, the core of SENSOR activity, priority sectors of commitment are: Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Nanomedicine, Food and Security.
In the field of Energy SENSOR pursues the cutting edge scientific and technological challenges of research and industrial transfer on nanowire based third-generation solar cells.
Beside quasi 1-dimensional oxide nanostructures, which represent the most advanced field of investigation of nanostructured materials at SENSOR, are applied as fundamental building blocks of a forefront research in nanowire optoelectronics: new ZnO based LEDs, single-nanowire based sensors, highly efficient and long time stable electron field emitters and ionized gas sources
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We are proud to announce that our new website is online. Please expect few minor issues but don't worry! We are fixing everything!
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